TN5250 for MS-DOS - Released as Freeware
The Mocha TN5250 program is a terminal emulator for MS-DOS. It provides access to AS/400 Mainframes and emulate a 5250 Information Display System
Mocha Dos TN5250 can be used as a cheap 5250 terminal together with FreeDOS , or as a backup environment in a thin client network. Tn5250 together with DOS, can easily be installed on a single Floppy or downloaded to a diskless Workstation.
Mocha DOS TN5250 Features:
- - Tested on MS-DOS and FreeDOS
- - Includes a TCP/IP stack. Uses a standard Packet Driver Interface
- - Supports all standard 5250 emulation features
- - Screen size 24x80
- - Small and fast.
- - Hardcopy of screen to a matrix printer
- - Device name support
- - Many trim parameters

Include following lines in file TN5250.INI
LICENSE = "freeware"
LICENSE_KEY = "A59937"