TN3270 for MS-DOS - Released as Freeware

The Mocha TN3270 program is a terminal emulator for MS-DOS. It makes it possible to connect to an IBM Mainframe with the TN3270 protocol and emulate an IBM 3278 terminal.
Mocha DOS TN3270 Screen Example 
Mocha DOS TN3270 can be used as a cheap 3270 terminal together with FreeDOS , or as a backup environment in a thin client network. TN3270 together with DOS, can easily be installed on a single Floppy or downloaded to a diskless Workstation.
Mocha DOS TN3270 Features:
  • - Tested on MS-DOS and FreeDOS
  • - Includes a TCP/IP stack. Uses a standard Packet Driver Interface
  • - Supports all standard 3270 emulation features
  • - Screen size 24x80
  • - Small and fast.
  • - Hardcopy of screen to a matrix printer
  • - Many trim parameters

Include following lines in file TN5250.INI

LICENSE = "freeware"
LICENSE_KEY = "A58737"