Version 1.6


  • 1.0 Product Overview
  • 1.1 Functionality
  • 1.2 Mark and Copy
  • 1.3 Connect
  • 1.4 Function keys
  • 1.5 Focus
  • 2.0 Modes
  • 2.1 Java Application
  • 2.2 Java Applet
  • 2.3 Java pop-up Applet
  • 3.0 Limitations
  • 3.1 Which hosts to connect
  • 3.2 Control the size and position of pop-up windows
  • 3.3 Character Set
  • 4.0 Parameters
  • 4.1 Configuration file
  • 4.2 HTML page
  • 4.3 Parameter type
  • 4.4 Parameter keyfile
  • 4.5 Parameter license
  • 4.6 Parameter license_key
  • 4.7 Parameters script1 and script2
  • 4.8 Parameter negotiate
  • 4.9 Parameter local_echo
  • 4.10 Parameter auto_wrap
  • 4.11 Parameter new_line
  • 4.12 Parameter keyboard_bar
  • 4.13 Parameter scroll_bar
  • 4.14 Parameter color_bg
  • 4.15 Parameter color_fg
  • 4.16 Parameter color_blink
  • 4.17 Parameter color_cursor
  • 4.18 Parameter page_color
  • 4.19 Parameters screen_width and screen_height
  • 4.20 Parameters screen_x and screen_y
  • 4.21 Parameters host and port
  • 4.22 Parameter auto_stop
  • 4.23 Parameter termtype
  • 4.24 Parameter debug
  • 4.25 Parameters proxy_host, proxy_port, proxy_socks and proxy_syntax
  • 4.26 Parameter response
  • 4.27 Parameter font
  • 5.0 Keyboard mapping
  • 5.1 Default keyboard
  • 5.2 Transmitted Codes
  • 6.0 License System
  • 7.0 Files

    1.0 Product overview

    Mocha Telnet is a telnet emulator written in java, which makes it possible from a java enabled browser, as Microsoft Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator, to connect a UNIX server.

    1.1 Functionality

  • Supports VT100/VT220/ANSI emulation.
  • Layout as a Windows'95 application..
  • Automatic resize of applet window
  • Mark/copy with the mouse.
  • Scroll Bar (as Xterm).
  • User defined functions keys.
  • Functions keys can also be shown as push buttons.
  • Autologin with scripting parameter.
  • Many trim parameters.
  • Can run either as
  • Java Application.
  • Applet.
  • Applet pop-up window.

    1.2 Mark and Copy

    It is possible inside the applet to mark part of a text, and save it in a paste buffer. Later it can be copied.

    To mark a text, place the cursor at the upper left corner of the text. Press left mouse button down and drag the cursor. A box is show. When the left mouse button is released the marked text is copied to the paste buffer.

    The contents of the paste buffer can be copied to the cursor position, either with right mouse button or from the menu (edit-paste).

    1.3 Connect

    It is possible to connect to a host from the File menu. A pop-up window is shown. Enter a host name and a port number . The port number for telnet is default 23. How to use a proxy host, see parameter proxy_host, 4.25.

    If the name service is not running correct or the host does not response, some workstations can hang for a minute or more. Mocha Telnet can do nothing about it. It is not possible to cancel a started request in the current version of Java.

    1.4 Function keys

    As the layout of a Java keyboard is different from a VT220 keyboard, some changes has been necessary.

  • Only keypad 1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9,pf1,pf2,pf3,pf4 can be used.
  • Function keys F1 to F12 can be pressed either in normal,shifted or ctrl mode.
  • Function keys F1 - F20 can be pressed with the mouse.
  • Key F10 cannot be used in all browser environments.

    See chapter 5 for a description of how to use and define function keys

    1.5 Focus

    As with normal Microsoft windows the title bar of the window will have the color blue when in focus and grey when not in focus.

    2.0 Modes

    It is possible to start Mocha Telnet in different layout modes. The mode number will be used in chapter 4, (parameters) to indicate when the parameter is valid.

    The most useful mode will in most cases be mode 2 (applet).

    2.1 Java Application - mode 1

    It is possible to start Mocha Telnet direct with an interpreter. It can be useful in some configurations, as a pure NC environment. If the interpreter is named java the syntax is:

    java telnetexe host [configuration file]


  • host : name of Unix host to connect.
  • configuration file : name of configuration file. If omitted telnet.cfg will be used.
  • Mocha Telnet will pop up as a window frame, which can be moved and scaled on the page.

    2.2 Java Applet - mode 2

    Mocha Telnet is started as part of a HTML page. It will have a fixed position and size.

    2.3 Java pop-up Applet - mode 3

    As mode 2 but Mocha Telnet runs as a window frame, which can be moved and scaled on the page. A Warning message will be displayed at the bottom of the window. Microsoft Internet Explorer shows : "Warning: Applet Window"

    3.0 Limitations

    As to the strict security issue for java applets there is some limitations on the functionality for Mocha Telnet.

    3.1 Which hosts to connect

    It is only possible to create a connection on the host, from where the applet has been downloaded. This limitation is build into the browser. It is possible to install a proxy server on the host, which could route the telnet request to another host. A better solution is to install Mocha Telnet on all the hosts, to which the workstation wants to connect.

    If the signed CAB file version is use, it is possible with IE 4/5 to overrule the security limitation.

    3.2 Control the size and position of pop-up windows

    Some browsers does not give the possibility for an applet to define where and the size of a window applet. Therefore the parameters screen_width/screen_height and screen_x/screen_y could give less meaning in some cases.

    3.3 Character Set

    Some browsers does not support semi-grafic in all font sizes. Instead a dummy character is shown (a small box). Try another size of the applet, or start Mocha Telnet as a frame and resize the window, until a font with support for semi-grafic is shown.

    4.0 Parameters

    Parameters to Mocha Telnet is given in a file if running in mode 1 (application), and in mode 2 and 3 as parameters in HTML format.

    Following syntax is used in this chapter:

    <text> : don't include < > as part of the parameter
    text1|text2 : use either text1 or text2

    4.1 Configuration file

    The configuration file is as default named telnet.cfg. The syntax is:

    # This is a comment line

    Example of a simple file:

    #Configuration file for Mocha telnet

    The different types of names are given in chapter 4.3 - 4.24.

    4.2 HTML page

    An applet is defined in a HTML page with label <APPLET>. See other source of information for how to write HTML. An example of a HTML page:
    <TITLE> Mocha Telnet example </TITLE>
    <APPLET CODE="telnet.class" WIDTH=700 HEIGHT=500>
    <param name=host value="unix">
    <param name=port value="23">
    <param name=color_cursor value="#203047">
    <param name=keyboard_bar value="true">
    <param name=type value="applet">
    <param name=script1 value="login:=guest">
    <param name=script2 value="Password:=anonymous">
    CODE parameter must always be "telnet.class". It is the name of the master file for the binary Mocha Telnet product. WIDTH and HEIGHT gives the size of the applet. If running in mode 3 as a pop-up window, state the WIDTH and HEIGHT to 1.

    Just as for the configuration file in chapter 4.1, each parameter is build of a name and a value. In the example above parameter host is given value unix. It is very important to remember <> around each line, and the value must be surrounded with "".

    4.3 Parameter type (mode 2,3)

    gives the type of the applet. A pop-up window or an "normal" applet.


    name=applet value="frame|applet"

    Frame is a pop-up window.

    4.4 Parameter keyfile (mode 1,2,3)

    It is possible to define values for all Function keys (F1-F20). These values are defined in a file with default name "keys". With this parameter another file can be used.


    name=keyfile value="<a file name>"

    4.5 Parameter license (mode 1,2,3)

    Name of the company using Mocha Telnet. Should only be included together with parameter "license_key".


    name=license value="<name of a company>"

    4.6 Parameter license_key (mode 1,2,3)

    When ordering Mocha Telnet, an encrypted license code will be received. Use this together with parameter "license" to clear the DEMO warning in the title line.


    name=license_key value="<encrypted key>"

    4.7 Parameter script1 and script2 (mode 1,2,3)

    Use these two script options to perform auto login, when the applet is loaded. Of course it can not be recommended to include a secret login and password in a HTML page, as everyone can read the source from a browser.

    Also only use the script option for login and password, as it cost a lot of cpu to scan all text from the host for a match.


    name=script1 value="<text to find>=<text to answer with>
    name=script2 value="<text to find>=<text to answer with>


    name=script1 value="Login=guest"
    name=script2 value="Password=funny"

    4.8 Parameter negotiate (mode 1,2,3)

    When a telnet session is created to a host, a negotiation takes place, where the setup of endpoints is agreed on. If this parameter is used, the negotiation will be displayed.


    name=negotiate value="true|false"

    Default is false.

    4.9 Parameter local_echo (mode 1,2,3)

    It is possible to let all characters typed on the keyboard be displayed on the screen as default. Normally this is not a good idea. It the host wants to run in this mode, it can ask Mocha Telnet direct. Most hosts will overwrite this parameter in the startup negotiation.


    name=local_echo value="true|false"

    Default is false.

    4.10 Parameter auto_wrap (mode 1,2,3)

    Auto_wrap defines, if the cursor should jump to the start of the next line, when it exceeds the end of a line.


    name=auto_wrap value="true|false"

    Default is true.

    4.11 Parameter new_line (mode 1,2,3)

    The new_line parameter defines if <RETURN> key should send <cr> <lf> or just <cr>.


    name= new_line value="true|false"

    Default is false, which means only <cr>.

    4.12 Parameter keyboard_bar (mode 1,2,3)

    Defines if function keys F1 - F20 should be displayed as buttons.


    name=keyboard_bar value="true|false"

    Default is true.

    4.13 Parameter scroll_bar (mode 1,2,3)

    Defines if a scroll bar should be displayed.


    name=scroll_bar value="true|false"

    Default is true.

    4.14 Parameter color_bg (mode 1,2,3)

    The color of the background can be defined with this parameter.


    name=color_bg value="#rrggbb"


  • rr is red color in hex (0-FF).
  • gg is green color in hex (0-FF).
  • bb is blue color in hex (0-FF).

    The syntax is the same as used in the HTML language.


    name=color_bg value="#20f030"

    4.15 Parameter color_fg (mode 1,2,3)

    The color of the foreground (characters) can be defined with this parameter.


    name=color_fg value="#rrggbb"


  • rr is red color in hex (0-FF).
  • gg is green color in hex (0-FF).
  • bb is blue color in hex (0-FF).

    The syntax is the same as used in the HTML language.

    4.16 Parameter color_blink (mode 1,2,3)

    To save CPU, Mocha Telnet will not show blinking text. Instead a color can be used to highlight this type of text.


    name=color_blink value="#rrggbb"


  • rr is red color in hex (0-FF).
  • gg is green color in hex (0-FF).
  • bb is blue color in hex (0-FF).

    The syntax is the same as used in the HTML language.

    4.17 Parameter color_cursor (mode 1,2,3)

    The color of the cursor can be defined with this parameter.


    name=color_cursor value="#rrggbb"


  • rr is red color in hex (0-FF).
  • gg is green color in hex (0-FF).
  • bb is blue color in hex (0-FF).

    The syntax is the same as used in the HTML language.

    4.18 Parameter page_color (mode 2)

    When Mocha Telnet is loaded as an applet, it will resize to use the largest possible font given the size of the applet. As browsers and screen solutions vary between different workstations there will always be some space left around the Mocha Telnet applet which cannot be used. This parameter defines the color of this space and it should be set to the color of the HTML page.


    name=page_color value="#rrggbb"


  • rr is red color in hex (0-FF).
  • gg is green color in hex (0-FF).
  • bb is blue color in hex (0-FF).

    The syntax is the same as used in the HTML language.

    4.19 Parameters screen_width and screen_height (mode 1,3)

    If started as a frame window, these parameters defines the size of the window in pixels.


    name=screen_width value=<number>
    name=screen_height value=<number>

    Default is 600 x 600.

    4.20 Parameters screen_x and screen_y (mode 1,3)

    If started as a frame window, these parameters defines the upper left corner of the window in pixels.


    name=screen_x value=<number>
    name=screen_y value=<number>

    Default is 100,75.

    4.21 Parameters host and port (mode 2,3)

    These parameters defines which host to connect, when the applet is loaded. The default port number for telnet is 23.


    name=host value=<a host name>
    name=port value=<number>

    Default port is 23. The host name can either be a name or an internet address as

    4.22 Parameter auto_stop (mode 2,3)

    Auto_stop selects if a telnet session should terminate when the user select another HTML page


    name=auto_stop value="true|false"

    Default is true.

    4.23 Parameter termtype (mode 1,2,3)

    Mocha Telnet can on request from host inform about the type of terminal it emulates. (In unix it is the environment variable TERM)


    name=termtype value=<type of terminal emulation>

    Default is vt220

    4.24 Parameter debug (mode 1)

    It is possible to copy all data coming from the host to a raw file. This file can be used later for debug purpose. The name of the file is always "trace". As to security, this parameter will only work in mode 1.


    name=debug value="true|false"

    Default is false

    4.25 Parameters proxy_host, proxy_port, proxy_syntax and proxy_socks(mode 1,2,3)

    It is possible to use a Telnet proxy host as gateway to other hosts. Mocha Telnet will connect to the proxy host, and issue a new connect sequence.

    Either Mocha W32 Telnet can be configurated to use SOCKS Version 4 protocol, or it can be defined to send an ASCII connect sequence to the Proxy Telnet Server.


    name=proxy_host value=<proxy host name>
    name=proxy_port value=<proxy port number>
    name=proxy_socks value=<true or false>
    name=proxy_syntax value=<syntax>

    proxy_syntax defines how to format the connect sequence send to the proxy host.

    $1 = proxy_host
    $2 = proxy_port
    \abc = octal value. (LF = \012 and CR = \015)


    name=proxy_host value=myproxy
    name=proxy_port value=911
    name=host value=wintermute
    name=port value=23
    name=proxy_syntax value=\012Connnect $1:$2\015\012

    Mocha Telnet will connect to myproxy port 911, and send the connect sequence: <LF>Connect wintermute:23<CR><LF>

    It is also possible to enter the login sequence to the proxy host from the keyboard. Just define the value of proxy_syntax as "\015" or " ".

    From version 1.7 of Mocha Telnet it is possible to use the SOCKS protocol.

    Use parameters



    If SOCKS protocol is used, Proxy Syntax can be left unused. Any text in this field is send as USERID in the SOCKS Connect request. Some proxy servers uses this field as identification, and Guest could be a possible entry.

    As the use of a host name, which must use DNS to be resolved can give a security violation in the browser, it is a good idea to define the parameter host as a raw ip address, as

    4.26 Parameter response (mode 1,2,3)

    Select a user defined response ID text for the VT220 terminal. It is send to the host on a ENQ request.


    name=response value="ID text"


    4.27 Parameter font (mode 1,2,3)

    Possible to define the display font


    name=font value="font name"

    Default is Courier

    5.0 Keyboard mapping

    As it is individual how to map the keyboard, all function keys has been made changeable.

    The default configuration file is named "keys", and should exist in the same catalog as the *.class files of Mocha Telnet.

    Syntax for file "keys":

  • Comments starts with #
  • key codes

    Following keys can be defined:

  • UP
  • DOWN
  • LEFT
  • HOME
  • END
  • PGUP
  • PGDN
  • fxx , where xx is 1 .. 20 (function key f1 - f20)
  • Fxx , where xx is 1 .. 20 (shift + function key f1 - f20)
  • cfxx , where xx is 1 .. 20 (ctrl + function key f1 - f20)
  • CFxx , where xx is 1 .. 20 (shift + ctrl + function key f1 - f20)

    Example of a "keys" file:

    # VT220 keymap file
    # \033 = ESC
    UP   \033[A
    DOWN \033[B
    RIGHT \033[C
    LEFT \033[D
    f1   \033[11~
    f2   \033[12~
    f3   \033[13~  # a comment
    remark none ASCII characters are written in octal as \xxx , where xxx is the octal value.

    The comments (#) at end of the lines are not used by Mocha Telnet.

    5.1 Default keyboard

    The default file "keys", contains following mapping of the keyboard:

      Key           mapping        Key                mapping      
    -----------------------      ----------------------------    
      f1              f1           crtl f1              f11          
      f2              f2           ctrl f2              f12          
      f3              f3           ctrl f3              f13          
      f4              f4           ctrl f4              f14          
      f5              f5           ctrl f5              f15          
      f6              f6           ctrl f6              f16          
      f7              f7           ctrl f7              f17          
      f8              f8           ctrl f8              f18          
      f9              f9           ctrl f9              f19          
      f10             f10          ctrl f10             f20         
      f11             f11          ctrl f11             f10         
      f12             f12          ctrl f12             f20         
      Key           mapping        Key                mapping      
    -----------------------      ----------------------------    
      shift f1        f1           crtl shift f1        pf1          
      shift f2        f2           ctrl shift f2        pf2          
      shift f3        f3           ctrl shift f3        pf3          
      shift f4        f4           ctrl shift f4        pf4          
      shift f5        f5           ctrl shift f5        f15          
      shift f6        f6           ctrl shift f6        f16          
      shift f7        f7           ctrl shift f7        f17          
      shift f8        f8           ctrl shift f8        f18          
      shift f9        f9           ctrl shift f9        f19          
      shift f10       f10          ctrl shift f10       f20         
      shift f11       f11          ctrl shift f11       f10         
      shift f12       f12          ctrl shift f12       f20         

    Remark shifted function keys sends the same codes as unshifted. It is up to the System Administrator to define a better use for these keys, as they are not part of a standard vt220 terminal.

    Part of the auxiliary keypad can be used as:

      key           mapping        key                mapping
    --------------------------   ----------------------------
      ctrl 1 (End)   keypad 1      crtl shift f1        PF1 
      ctrl 2 (down)  keypad 2      crtl shift f2        PF2
      ctrl 3 (pgdn)  keypad 3      crtl shift f3        PF3
      ctrl 4 (left)  keypad 4      crtl shift f4        PF4
      ctrl 6 (right) keypad 6
      ctrl 7 (home)  keypad 7
      ctrl 8 (up)    keypad 8
      ctrl 9 (pgup)  keypad 9
    If other keys in the auxiliary keypad are needed, some function keys must be changed in the "keys" file.

    5.2 Transmitted Codes

    When the default "keys" file is used the keyboard will transmit following codes:

    Editing Keys:

    key     codes
    HOME    CSI 1 ~     
    END     CSI 2 ~
    PGUP    CSI 5 ~
    PGDN    CSI 6 ~
    Cursor Control Keys:
    key     normal   application     vt52
    UP      CSI A    SS3 A           ESC A
    DOWN    CSI B    SS3 B           ESC B
    RIGHT   CSI C    SS3 C           ESC C
    LEFT    CSI D    SS3 D           ESC D

    Auxiliary keypad keys

    key    normal      vt52
    0  *   SS3 p       ESC?p
    1      SS3 q       ESC?q
    2      SS3 r       ESC?r
    3      SS3 s       ESC?s
    4      SS3 t       ESC?t
    5  *   SS3 u       ESC?u
    6      SS3 v       ESC?v
    7      SS3 w       ESC?w
    8      SS3 x       ESC?x
    9      SS3 y       ESC?y
    -  *   SS3 m       ESC?m
    ,  *   SS3 l       ESC?l
    .  *   SS3 n       ESC?n
    enter* SS3 M       ESC?M
    pf1    SS3 P       ESC?P
    pf2    SS3 Q       ESC?Q
    pf3    SS3 R       ESC?R
    pf4    SS3 S       ESC?S 

    (*) not implemented in Mocha Telnet, as the browser does not give access to the keys.

    Function Keys

    key             codes            key              codes
    -------------------------        ---------------------------------
    F1              \033[11~         shift F1         \033[11~ 
    F2              \033[12~         shift F2         \033[12~ 
    F3              \033[13~         shift F3         \033[13~ 
    F4              \033[14~         shift F4         \033[14~ 
    F5              \033[15~         shift F5         \033[15~ 
    F6              \033[17~         shift F6         \033[17~ 
    F7              \033[18~         shift F7         \033[18~ 
    F8              \033[19~         shift F8         \033[19~ 
    F9              \033[20~         shift F9         \033[20~ 
    F10             \033[21~         shift F10        \033[21~ 
    F11             \033[23~         shift F11        \033[23~ 
    F12             \033[24~         shift F12        \033[24~ 
    F13             \033[25~         shift F13        \033[25~ 
    F14             \033[26~         shift F14        \033[26~ 
    F15             \033[28~         shift F15        \033[28~ 
    F16             \033[29~         shift F16        \033[29~ 
    F17             \033[31~         shift F17        \033[31~ 
    F18             \033[32~         shift F18        \033[32~ 
    F19             \033[33~         shift F19        \033[33~ 
    F20             \033[34~         shift F20        \033[34~ 
    key             codes            key              codes
    ---------------------------      ------------------------------
    ctrl F1         \033[23~         ctrl shift F1    \217P    
    ctrl F2         \033[24~         ctrl shift F2    \217Q    
    ctrl F3         \033[25~         ctrl shift F3    \217R    
    ctrl F4         \033[26~         ctrl shift F4    \217S    
    ctrl F5         \033[28~         ctrl shift F5    \033[28~ 
    ctrl F6         \033[29~         ctrl shift F6    \033[29~ 
    ctrl F7         \033[31~         ctrl shift F7    \033[31~ 
    ctrl F8         \033[32~         ctrl shift F8    \033[32~ 
    ctrl F9         \033[33~         ctrl shift F9    \033[33~ 
    ctrl F10        \033[34~         ctrl shift F10   \033[34~ 
    ctrl F11        \033[21~         ctrl shift F11   \033[21~ 
    ctrl F12        \033[34~         ctrl shift F12   \033[34~ 
    ctrl F13        \033[34~         ctrl shift F13   \033[34~ 
    ctrl F14        \033[34~         ctrl shift F14   \033[34~ 
    ctrl F15        \033[34~         ctrl shift F15   \033[34~ 
    ctrl F16        \033[34~         ctrl shift F16   \033[34~ 
    ctrl F17        \033[34~         ctrl shift F17   \033[34~ 
    ctrl F18        \033[34~         ctrl shift F18   \033[34~ 
    ctrl F19        \033[34~         ctrl shift F19   \033[34~ 
    ctrl F20        \033[34~         ctrl shift F20   \033[34~ 

  • SS3 = \217
  • CSI = \233 (or ESC [)

    6.0 License System

    The license system for Mocha Telnet is very user friendly. The encrypted parameter "license_key", together with parameter "license" gives a check for legal use. Therefore it is not possible to change the company name in "license", without ordering a new key from MochaSoft.

    If parameter "license_key" is not given, the program will run in Demo mode, and display a banner in the title line. There will be no limitations on functionality.

    7.0 Files

    Following files must exist together with the HTML page loading Mocha Telnet

  • telnet.class
  • netsoc.class
  • vttimer.class
  • vtpop.class
  • telnetexe.class (only for mode 1)
  • vt.class
  • vidram.class
  • keys
  • telnet.cfg (only for mode 1)