BASIC is a very simple computer language, and within an hour you can write your first small program.
At the bottom of the screen are 5 sections:
Editor: It is where you write the BASIC program.
Debug: The section where you can run and debug your program on a screen terminal. Debugging is the process of finding errors in your program code.
Files: Here you can keep your own BASIC programs, and the sample code folder includes many samples.
About: See the version number, and maybe upgrade to the full version, which does not have a time limit for a program.
Help: Find details about syntax and functions + descriptions for the sample programs.
A Simple BASIC program
10 PRINT "Hello, World!"
20 END
A BASIC program is a series of lines. Every line start with a number, and the numbers must be in increasing order.
In above example line 10 has a command PRINT. It will make the program print Hello world! on the screen. END is a command to stop the program.
The screen output will be:
Hello, World!_
10 PRINT "Hello, World!" // I wants to write something on the screen at the cursor
15 REM this is a comment
20 END
A comment makes it easier to understand the code, when the program is running, these comments have no function. There are 2 ways to add a comment:
After the line number write REM and anything after REM is a comment.
Use // at the end of the line.
The colors used for different elements if the BASIC program, such as the blue PRINT are only to make it easier to read. The color has no function.