Callback URL

It is possible to start the scanner from another App on the iPhone or the Safari web browser.



will just start the barcode app. (this option was included in v 1.1)





A simple HTML test2.htm page, and the result page test3.htm

Source for test2.htm:
<script type="text/javascript">
  function startscan() 
     window.location = "mochabarcode://CALLBACK=";
  <input onclick="startscan()" type="button" 
      value="Start mocha barcode scanner app" /> <br />

Source for test3.htm:
<script type="text/javascript">
 function load_from_url_callback() 
   var myParam ='BARCODE=')[1];
   if (myParam)
     barcodefieldresult.value = myParam;
<body onload="load_from_url_callback()">

  <input id="barcodefieldresult" />

Function startscan() defines the callback URL to be test3.htm.

When the scan has been completed, test3.htm will be loaded in a new Safari web browser window, notice not the calling window , and onload will call javascript function load_from_url_callback(), which can read the returned barcode value from the URL.