Configuration in meta data

If Settings [x] Read configuration from META is enabled, following META data with name "mbrowser_config" can be used:
  • company : License is issued to a company.
  • licensekey : License key.
  • home : Start page for the web browser.
  • fontsize : Font size.
  • autoconnect : If the "home" web page should be loaded at program start.
  • autoenter : If ENTER should be used after a scanning. Some scanners send an ENTER as default to mBrowser.
  • autotab : If TAB should be used after a scanning. Will move focus to the next element on the screen.
  • xclick : If [x] next to the URL on the page should close the program, or move it to the background. True = moves to the background
  • keyboard : If the keyboard icon should always be displayed.
  • images : If images should be downloaded.
  • arrowscroll: If arrow up/down will scroll the screen, or move focus to the next element on the screen.
  • wrap : If text horizontal should wrap to the small screen.
  • scroll : If moving pen on the screen will scroll the web page.
<meta name="mbrowser_config" company="my company">
<meta name="mbrowser_config" licensekey="12345">
<meta name="mbrowser_config" home="">
<meta name="mbrowser_config" fontsize="10">
<meta name="mbrowser_config" autoconnect="true">
<meta name="mbrowser_config" autoenter="true">
<meta name="mbrowser_config" autotab="false">
<meta name="mbrowser_config" xclick="false">
<meta name="mbrowser_config" keyboard="true">
<meta name="mbrowser_config" images="true">
<meta name="mbrowser_config" arrowscroll="false">
<meta name="mbrowser_config" wrap="false">
<meta name="mbrowser_config" scroll="true">