MOCHA TN5250 for Android
1.0 Screen
- Tap the screen = put cursor at the position
- Tap 2 times = put cursor at position, and send a 5250 Enter command
- Move finger on the screen = scroll the screen
- 2 finger pinch on the screen = Zoom in/out
- Hold finger down on the screen for 1 second = Enter window mode. Move finger up/down to move the 5250 window
- Volume key up = page up
- Volume key down = page down
1.1 Clipboard
From the menu, click select, and the top menu change to Cancel,Copy and Copy all. Move the finger on the screen to select an area
to copy, and hereafter click Copy.
If using a hardware keyboard, shift + arrow can be used to select an area to copy. Ctrl+c is copy and ctrl+v is paste.
Red status line
- Cursor y,x : is the cursor position.
- X-WAIT : Waiting on AS/400.
- X-HELP : prehelp state. Press keys Reset or Help to continue. It is possible to disable X-HELP mode in menu - Settings - terminal - ignore x-help
- X-FER : Use Fieldexit to leave this field. It is possible to disable this function in menu - Settings - terminal - check for fieldexit.
- Ins: Insert mode.
- M if a message has been received (AS/400 mail system uses this option).
- ONLINE: Telnet session has not yet entered the 5250 mode.
1.2 Menu bar
- ABC: Will pop up the normal keyboard.
- F1-F12: function keys F1 - F12 .
- F13-F24: function keys F13 - F24 .
- Arrow keys: Arrow up, down left and right. Also extra keys such as page up/down.
- Keys: Other 5250 keys.
- Zoom: Zoom the screen out.
- Select: Enter clipboard select mode.
- Paste: Paste clipboard data at cursor position.
Disconnect: Close the connection.
Barcode scanner: Use the build in camera as a barcode scanner.
Voice input: Use the OS build in voice to text function
There is not space on the title bar for all menu elements. The hidden elements can be selected either with a click on the 3 dots icon , or on some devices the "menu" button.
1.3 Wireless keyboard
- f1 - f12 = f1 - f12
- shift + f1 = f13
- shift + f2 = f14
- shift + f3 = f15
- shift + f4 = f16
- shift + f5 = f17
- shift + f6 = f18
- shift + f7 = f19
- shift + f8 = f20
- shift + f9 = f21
- shift + f10 = f22
- shift + f11 = f23
- shift + f12 = f24
- Insert = Insert
- Delete = Delete character at cursor position
- Shift + Delete = Delete all data in the current field
- Page up = Page up
- Shift + Page up = Record
- Page down = Page down
- Shift + Page down = Dup
- End = Move cursor to the end of a field
- Shift + End = Clear
- Home = Help
- Shift + Home = Move cursor to the start of a field
- Keypad + = Field+ (fieldexit)
- Keypad - = Field-
- Keypad Enter = 5250 Enter
- Shift + Keypad Enter = Newline
- Return = 5250 Enter
- Shift + Return = Newline
- Tab = Jump to the next field
- shift + Tab = Jump to the previous field
- SysRq = Print
- Shift + SysRq = SYSREQ
- Esc = Reset
- Shift + Esc = ATTN
- Ctrl + Esc = SYSREQ
- Left Ctrl = Reset
- Ctrl + Arrow up = Page up
- Ctrl + Arrow down = Page down
- Ctrl + Arrow right = Field+
1.4 menu - Configure
A list of already configured AS/400 sessions is shown. Select
+ in the titlebar to create a
new configuration.
- AS/400 IP Address: Name of the AS/400. Either a TCP/IP address as or a DNS name.
Alias Name: Give the session configuration a name, as it is easier to remember
than the IP address. This is only useful if more than one host configuration
will be used.
- Port number:Port number for the session. As default TN5250 uses port 23 and with SSL port 992
- SSL: Enable SSL encryption. Certificates are not supported.
- 24x80 or 27x132: Type of screen. A TN5250 terminal always start in 24x80 and hereafter the AS/400 application can request another size
- Device name: Some AS/400 systems may require this name for a session.
User and Password: These are optional. Use these fields to define an user id and a password
for the Sign On screen on the AS/400.
Notice there is not much security involved doing it! It could be an idea to contact the system administrator to verify it is your company politic to have open access to the system without any password security.
- Send keep alive : If TN5250 should send extra keep alive atframes at Telnet protocol level.
- EBCDIC codepage : Must be the same as used on the AS/400
1.5 Menu - Settings - Network
- Show telnet negotiation: Use it if problems, to view the low level negotiation
- Keep WIFI online: Tell the OS to keep the network alive, when TN5250 is running
Stay connected: If TN5250 is send to the background, it
can either close an active session with
the AS/400 or keep it alive
1.6 Menu - Settings - Terminal
- Key banner: Select which keys should be in the banner and the position.
- Key banner speed: How fast the key banner should scroll when swiping the keys.
- Show 2 key banners: Either display one or 2 key banners at he top of the screen.
- Menu: Select which Menu elements should be shown, and the position.
- Fxx keys in portrait mode: On a large screen, use the extra space between the QWERTY keyboard and 5250 window, to display all 5250 keys.
- Hotspots: Text Fxx can be clicked.
- Fixed font: if enabled, adjust the font size from menu "font size". if not enabled, use 2 finger pitch to change the font size.
- Lock screen:: Selected, and the screen will not change orientation, when in a 5250 session.
- Stop screen from scrolling:: Selected, and the screen will not scroll, when in a tn5250 session.
- Use full height in portrait: Either the screen can zoom out to use the full height or width when in portrait. In landscape the height is always used
- Check for fieldexit: If the 5250 emulator should use or ignore the fieldexit required field type.
- Ignore X-HELP: If the 5250 terminal should be able to enter a pre-help state. Press RESET to continue, or HELP for details.
- Make a sound: If typing in a protected area or pre-help mode is activated, the notification sound is used.
- Scroll speed:How much a scroll gesture move the screen
- Using Zxing: Older versions used the Zxing app to read barcodes. This tn5250 version can use the Android OS for the task.
- Use Socket mobile scanner: A Socket mobile scanners can be used in basic HID mode, or Application mode. Enable this option to use Application mode. See the scanner manual for how to enter Application mode. To use Application mode an App : "Socket Mobile Companion" must be installed from Google Play.
- Barcode Enter: Send Enter key value after a barcode scan. Can only be used with camera as barcode scanner or an advanced datawedge configuration.
- Barcode next: Jump to next field after a barcode scan. Can only be used with camera as barcode scanner or an advanced datawedge configuration.
- Display field separator:A field can include a field separator display option. Will be shown as a dot
- Keep Display on:The power saver will not be activated, when a TN5250 session is active
- Confirm close session:A confirm dialog will pop up, if back key is pressed.
- Connect on app start:Make a session to the first server in the configuration list.
- Display keyboard at session start:Pop up the screen keyboard at session start.
- Type ahead:TN5250 will buffer key and barcode data when the keyboard is locked.
- Use raw key input from hardware:A hardware barcode scanner should use it. If using a BT hardware keyboard, which uses double keys, turn this option off.
1.7 Menu - Settings - Colors
Text, background and Cursor colors can be changed with this dialog.
It is the AS/400 program, which defines the text colors to use in a screen.
The AS/400 can as an example, request a red text, and the color red can be configured in this dialog.
1.8 Menu - Settings - Lock configuration
Lock access to configure and settings with this option. If the key is lost, the program must be deleted and installed again.
This option gives no data protection, but is
included as to make it easier for a system administrator to support many devices in a company environment.
2.0 Import/Export a configuration
In menu - configure - top menu is an option "export configuration". It can build an URL, which
includes the full configuration for the first server in the list + all settings values.
This URL can later be used to import the data, either using a mail client or a web page. You cannot click example below from a PC browser, only the web browser on an Android device.
It is also possible to display and read the configuration as a QR code. The QR code does not contain key and banner values.
The QR display option may not work on older OS types (before OS 9).
A QR code with the configuration, can be scanned with the camera, and imported to TN5250.
2.1 Using a standard Bluetooth barcode scanner
As default a standard BT barcode scanner is seen as a physical keyboard, and it will block the screen keyboard.
In Android Settings - Language and Input - Physical keyboard, enable option Show virtual keyboard. This will keep the screen keyboard on, while a physical keyboard or barcode scanner is active.
2.2 Enable Automated Enter or TAB after a scan on Zebra barcode devices
- Select app DataWedge from the Launcher
- Tap Profile0.
- Select Basic Data Formatting under the Keystroke Output section.
Warning, there is also a Basic Data Formatting in section IP output.
- Check the box Send ENTER Key. (or TAB)
- Go back to the home screen, and your setting has been applied.